WordPress SEO services.

Custom-built SEO packages to suit any WordPress website and SEO budget.

Straight-talking, no-nonsense WordPress SEO.

Whether you need SEO for a simple WordPress blog or a large corporate site, we can help.

We can help you with all aspects of improving your website using our WordPress optimisation services.

From technical optimisation to off-page SEO, SEO with WordPress can be affordable. It should be a results-driven approach to improving the SEO of your WordPress website and where it ranks in the search results.

We’ll get your website where it needs to be.

Get started

Mix and match what you need.

You don’t always need everything now, so our WordPress SEO services can be tailored to what you need.

Just need some SEO research? Not a problem. Want to build your backlink profile? We can do that too.

Improving your site with our WordPress SEO service is a step-by-step process, so you don’t need to start with everything.

Our SEO service is designed to work how you need it to.

Book a free 30-minute consultation


SEO Review & Audit.

We’ll review your current site, its’ theme, and plugins to check that everything is as it should be from a technical perspective before we look at your current SEO.


Discuss options.

We don’t onboard clients without a discussion about what you want to achieve and how we can best help you.


We get started.

The first stage of any SEO project is planning and keyword research.

Get started

Can I sign up online?

No. Effective SEO requires a thorough understanding of your business, your current situation and where you want to get to.

We need to take a look at your site and current SEO before we can suggest the best route for moving forward.

We also need to make sure that we’ll be a good fit for you (and vicea versa) so we like to have a conversation before we put a proposal together for you.

We’re time-based.

We work by the minute for SEO clients which means that our work is affordable and transparent.

Unline many SEO companies that package up their services into fixed monthly deliverables; we discover what it is you want to achieve and then put together a plan for how to get there.

This means that we may do more of less of the different types of SEO depending on the requirements of your website.

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to SEO, so fixed inflexible monthly ‘packages’ don’t work for most clients.

How does it work?

Once we’ve discovered what you need and how we can best help, we put a plan together.

Our SEO services are charged at £60 ex VAT per hour, and we work by the minute.

This means that if something only takes 10 minutes to complete, it just chips 10 minutes off your time for the month.

Every month you work with us, will have a range of activities planned, so you’ll know what you will get when you will get them and how long they will take.

Some clients give us full autonomy to work through the plan, while others prefer more consultation and weekly catch-up meetings – whatever works for you.

Each aspect of SEO that we work on will be documented and fully reported, and we use a range of tools such as SEM Rush, SE Ranking and Google Search Console to monitor and report on the results.


More than just SEO.

Our team is experienced in far more than just SEO, so we can provide a full-service offering.

SEO can often be a mix of technical work, content editing, on-page SEO and design work for landing pages and blogs.

The team at Searchworth are able to provide all these additional services in-house and as part of your monthly plan. No need to go elsewhere.

We can design and build WordPress templates, create custom plugins, design and artwork whitepapers and PDFs, do technical, on- and off-page SEO and even host your site if needed.

With us, there’s no need to go to one company for design, another for build and someone else for UX design – we do it all here.

SEO Audits.

Identify the gaps in your SEO strategy with our SEO audit and plan a strategy.

More on audits

WordPress SEO Basics.

We can help make sure you’ve got the basics covered and give your site a head start in the rankings.

See the basics

Keyword Research.

Keyword research is the process of identifying the terms that bring the best traffic to your site.

More about Keyword Research

Technical SEO.

Technical SEO works hard behind the scenes to ensure that your website can be efficiently crawled and indexed by search engines and other tools.

Get Technical

On-page SEO & Content.

Creating and optimising your content to target identified key terms that bring the best traffic to your site.

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Off-page SEO.

Off-page SEO covers all of the actions that you take outside of your own website to maximise your chances in organic search engines.

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Off-page SEO covers all of the actions that you take outside of your own website to maximise your chances in organic search engines.

Get copy

Website maintenance.

Off-page SEO covers all of the actions that you take outside of your own website to maximise your chances in organic search engines.

Get support


We have an in-house design team that can help with any design and creative work that’s required.

More about design
